Mike Page
Studio potter, Otaki, NZ
A previous OPC night class student, now with 10 years’ experience and a background of studies including the Diploma of Ceramics Arts course I have achieved a vast knowledge base of ceramics which is a privilege to share with fellow students interested in the ceramic arts. From the first simple touch and manipulation of the soft clay, centering and raising up to a form, the sensation of creating something unique, a truly one-off piece that can be shaped and glazed so it can stand the test of time is always a joy. And once completed, to be able to then share with others who acknowledge the processes and skills you have achieved is very satisfying and a pleasure to teach. I create my work from a home based studio here in Otaki, my work can be quite diverse using many different types of glazing and firing techniques, the wood fired kiln for which I have built has given me great pleasure exploring soda and salt fired processes. Acknowledged Achievements