All welcome to sell their Pottery goods at this year's Arts Trail - same rules as Gallery. This year the Whakaaro Whakairo carving and weaving symposium is being held at the Race Course at the same time, so there is likely to be more visitors than usual.
We will set up under the eaves or outside in the garden area. We will offer light refreshments this year. Drinks, toastie sandwiches bikkies etc. You can set up your own table (club tables can be used) or leave priced goods to be set up by us. Work will need to be set up by 9.30am and brought inside Saturday and Sunday evenings both weekends after 4pm. Please consider being on the help roster - it's not compulsory if you can't but some time over the two weekends would be most welcome. Timeline: 20 October: price sheets will be available for your completion - as per Gallery and FOPs -2 copies 20 October: Help sheet will be on entrance table with jobs for you to put your name to. We will need help in kitchen, sales, set up and down, security. See sheet. 31 October: Any Pottery you would like considered for set up in Gallery area should be left for Paula to install, with price sheet and note saying Gallery. Gallery work can stay in Gallery till clear out in December. 2 November: Other work for self set up or by us should be on the main work table priced and with price sheet. That's all for now. I'm sure I've forgotten something important. So get your pots together, and add a space for helping on your calendar. It is always a fun time, so please join us. Any queries ask me or Lynne, and Paula for Gallery area. Cheers Derryn Robson [email protected] Lynne Corkin [email protected] Paula Archibald [email protected]
March 2024